showing 8 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_upwardtagsdescription
WATCH_DOGS  Ubisoft (Ubisoft Montreal;Ubisoft Reflections)2014 aaa autoshotguns city crimefiction disrupt-engine envcombat firearms glitchvisuals hacking hijacking map mp-dropinpvp neutralnpcs objectiveindicator postcyberpunk radialmenu rating-pegi-18 technofantasy technology-theme undefinedelements vehicle-pontiacgrandam vigilanteprotagonist labelminimizeminimize
Saints Row: The Third  THQ (Volition)2011 actionadventure adv-limited aeroplane aimmode aircraft-location anticipatorysightings antiheroprotagonist armcannons assaultrifles bathos beamweapons bludgeons circadiancycle city cleargame clothdyeing crimefiction criminalactivity crowds damagemodeling drifting driving dualwielding dynamicaccuracy dynamicweather earth ejecting elitemobs endlessopposition energyweapons epilogue evilvsevil falldamage fauxserious fictionallocation firearms flamethrowers gagweapons gangwar genderchoice grenadelaunchers grenades gtalike hackers handguns havokphysics healthregen helicopter helicopters hijacking hoverflight humor-blue indicator-poi indicator-route jetbike jetbikes jigglephysics jokeitems jumping lawenforcers locationaldamage lostresources luchadores machineguns map martiallaw meatshield minimap missionbased motorboat motorcycle mp-campaign mp-cooperative multipleendings neutralnpcs nochildren northamerica openworld optionaltasks organizedcrime outlawprotagonist overthetop parachuting pda playerexposition precisionrifles propellerplane prostitutes protagonistdesigning quicktimeevent radar ragdollphysics rampantcrime rating-esrb-m rating-pegi-18 reload-manual remotecontrol rockets rotaryguns saintsrow-series selfcensorship sequence-defend shopping shotguns soldiers sonicweapons spectacularcrash staggering stamina stunguns submachineguns swords tank tanks targetdesignator telescope traffic trampling truck unarmedfighting unrestrictedviolence unwieldyweapons upgradesystem vaulting vehiclepainting vehicleselectinplay voicechat vtol walking walkingarmory watercraft watercraft-location waterscooter waterwaves wwise zombies labelimageminimize
Just Cause 2 Square Enix (Avalanche Studios)2010 avalancheengine driving earth eliteprotagonist firearms grapplinghook gtalike helicopter hijacking island justcause-series motorcycle openworld parachuting pathengine speedboat traffic walking Developed by Avalanche Studios, Just Cause 2 finds Rico Rodriguez returning in an epic open-world adventure set in the diverse tropical playground of Panau in South East Asia, where the aim is to cause chaos and destruction in a way that only Rico knows how! His mission is to destabilize the island and free it from the tyranny of the evil dictator, Baby Panay. Players tackle missions and objectives in any way they want while exploring the highly-detailed and beautiful island by land, sea or air, performing an insane range of new daredevil stunts and mastering the use of the all new grappling hook and Rico's trademark parachute. labelimagesubject
Star Wars The Clone Wars: Republic Heroes  LucasArts (Krome Studios)2009 adv-xpdistr alternatingprotagonist canon cartoon challenges companion deathpits difficulty dodging energyweapons fallbackweapon grenades healthregen healthregen-fast hijacking lightsabers meleeweapons midairjumping militaryfiction powerups psychicpowers psychics rating-esrb-t robots sciencefantasy starwars starwars-skywalker swords tutorial visualizedtrajectory walljumping war xp-kills xp-objects Star Wars The Clone Wars: Republic Heroes lets Star Wars fans young and old live out the sweeping galactic adventures of the Clone Wars. For the first time ever, players can fight as their favorite Jedi and clone troopers from the preeminent animated television series - from familiar faces like Anakin Skywalker to new heroes like Clone Captain Rex. A brand-new storyline, which bridges the gap between season one and two, takes the player on a multi-faceted adventure to stop a mysterious techno assassin's destructive plot. Built around two-player cooperative action, the accessible controls and family-friendly gameplay bring Star Wars fans across generations together like never before to fight the evil Separatists and restore peace to the galaxy. Play as your favorite Jedi heroes including Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Ahsoka Tano, Mace Windu, and Kit Fisto. Slice and dice your way through Separatist droids with your lightsaber and Force powers and use your agility to perform amazing leaps and navigate levels filled with interactivity. Turn your enemies into weapons as you commandeer droids and use their unique abilities to blast enemies and solve puzzles as a Jedi. Be part of an elite clone trooper squad with unique gameplay that puts firepower at your fingertips. Blast droids and unleash devastation with heavy weapons like rocket launchers and thermal detonators as Commander Cody, Captain Rex and all of your favorite clone troopers. Compete against a friend with in-level challenges for rewards and points to be spent to upgrade your character and unlock bonus items. labelimagesubject
Red Faction: Guerrilla  THQ (Volition)2009 2120s 22ndcentury aimmode ammomagazines arid armoredcars assaultrifles autosavepoints bludgeons bombs capacity-toolslots captives chainreactions challenges civilianprotagonist civilizedsavages cleargame coversystem cpplanguage deathpits demo depthoffield destructibleenvironment difficulty difficulty-ingame disclaunchers disintegrators driving endlessopposition energyweapons explosiveobjects explosives-sticky extraterrestrial falldamage fallimpact fasttravel firearms fofindicator friendlyfire future geomod-engine guerrilla guidedweapons gunclubbing gunships handguns havokphysics healthregen healthregen-fast hijacking hud-dynamic indicator-poi indicator-route invisiblewalls itemglow jumping jumppack ladders limitedcapacity machineguns map mars mecha meleeweapons mines minimap movie mp-assault mp-control mp-dm mp-teams mp-undefined nanotechnology neutralnpcs newgameplus news nonlinear npcspawning objectiveindicator openworld optionaltasks precisionrifles radar rebellion rebelprotagonist redfaction reload-auto reload-manual remotedetonators rewardingvandalism rockets ruins screenshake seamlessworld sequence-defend sequence-turret serious shotguns spacefaringage structuresupports tank tanks taskgenerator telescope titlementioned titulargroup unlockable-difficulty upgradesystem vehicleflip walker walkers walking wasteland wreckage 2009-05-21 multiplayer demo labelimageminimize
Prototype Activision (Radical Entertainment)2009 a113 acrobatics adv-limited adv-progress adv-xpdistr aimassist airdash alarmers amnesia armyofone autosavepoints biogrowth bossbattles cannibalism challenges chargedattack chargedjump city city-newyork-ny coldopen collectibles comic conspiracy desperatepower detectors devouring disguising disposableweapons driving earth enemyupgrade evilvsevil fallimpact firearms fistloads geneticassimilation giantmonsters gliding gore grappling groundslamming groupmind healthdrops hiding hijacking homingboulders humanoidprotagonist humanweapon indicator-poi indicator-threat island jumping lasso liveactors midairjumping minimap monsters mutablescenery-large mutants naturalweapons neuralthxsurround neutralnpcs newgameplus nochildren nofalldamage nonlinear noreloading northamerica npcspawning oneofakind openworld outbreak overheal parkour patientzero powermimicry powerthrow protectioncomplex prototype-series quarantine quicktimeevent radar recurringopponent rockets rooftops save-opportunistic sequence-defend serious shapeshifters shapeshifting shapeshifting-partial stealth superjump superpowers superstrength targetlock tasteofpower tentaclecreatures titanium-engine traffic trampling tutorial unarmedfighting uniqueprotagonist unlockable-difficulty upgrades-abilities upgrades-health upgrades-permanent upgradesystem uvl-techlimitation vehicle-pontiacgrandam visionmodes walking wallclimbing wallclinging wallrunning walltraversal weaponupgrades weirdvision whips widescreen xp-deeds xp-drops xp-objects labelimageminimize
Saints Row 2 THQ (Volition)2008 city crimefiction driving evilvsevil fictionallocation gamespy gangwar gtalike hijacking meatshield mp-cooperative openworld saintsrow-series sluts traffic vehicle-pontiacgrandam walking walkingarmory labelminimizeminimize
Grand Theft Auto IV  Rockstar Games;Capcom (Rockstar North)2008 ♫theentertainer 2000s 21stcentury controlmalfunction dollyzoom driving dynamicmotionsynthesis euphoriaengine gameoftheyear gta gtalike gtcar hijacking mcbestgameaward nonlinear openworld present rageengine rating-esrb-m roses-red traffic vehicle-pontiacgrandam walking labelimageminimize